Riviera Article: Tug crews require capabilities that stretch beyond mandatory STCW training

Following the annual BTA Conference, Edwin Lampert from Riviera Maritime wrote an article on the presentation by Simwave’s Ryan Verhagen on how their simulators can significantly enhance emergency response scenarios. The BTA extends its gratitude to the speakers and Edwin for their expertise and professionalism, which contributed to the success of the conference. Read more…


BTA Annual Safety Seminar 2023 Report of Proceedings

The 2023 BTA Annual Safety Seminar took place at The Insurance Hall in London on Thursday 16 November with a record attendance of over 100 registered attendees spanning across towage operators, pilots, port & harbour authorities, insurers, accident investigators and manufacturers. The report of proceedings goes through the event in Read more…


BTA Annual Safety Seminar 2022 Report of Proceedings

The 2022 BTA Annual Safety Seminar, held 10 November at the Northern Lighthouse Board, Edinburgh, sought to share innovative ideas and drive progress regarding safety in the towage industry, focussing on establishing improved equipment and methods of recovering persons in the water. The report of proceedings goes through the event Read more…